31 May, 2018


Hello there! It's the last day of May and it actually was one of the few months which felt incredibly long. May was a pretty good month for me - I did lots of creative things, bought some new stuff that I can't wait to try this summer, created to-do list for what I would like to achieve this summer and most importantly, felt pretty positive throughout the whole month. Before summer-y looks and useful posts I wanted to share random pictures of some things from my phone.

I wasn't very pleased with my May bullet journal set up (few photos on pinterest) - I didn't feel inspired at all, I even thought of quitting bullet journaling as I didn't have any fun creating it.  I guess I chose the wrong theme (I had yellow dandelion inspired theme) as I didn't know how to express my creativity with it and I just wrote my everyday to-do's without any doodling.
Although, when I was creating June's spread I definitely had more fun and inspiration. I am happy with my June's tropical theme. Everytime I use pink and gray green colors I enjoy my themes and bullet journaling much more.

Few weeks ago I went to my favorite store in town called 'Manilla' - from amazing pastel colored furniture & tropical vibe interior to main things they sell (pens, stationery, home stuff and beautiful cards), I love it there. Besides that, they also sell rose latte which looks and tastes amazing. The rose latte is coffee free therefore it was perfect for me (as I am not a coffee person).

I found this picture on my phone and wanted to include it in this post even though I got this card few months ago. I love NYX makeup so much and when I got an opportunity to have (VIP) discount card I was absolutely happy.

At the beginning of May, I had a plan to stay away from sweets and junk food to prepare myself for a marathon. I love sweets, I am the person who craves something everyday and I never thought I could stay away from junk food but surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Even though, sometimes I wished I had donuts and chocolate instead of healthy food. After a good month of eating healthy food, I enjoyed the weekend with waffles and actually ate them without any guilt because on occasions everything is allowed, right?

Makeup makes me feel good when I am not feeling my best but lately I don't even want to play with makeup and it never happend to me as I enjoy the process so much. I have so many looks in my mind and after going through youtube videos and instagram posts I got my little inspiration back so hopefully I'll be able to share some new looks soon. 

I usually don't post these kind of random posts but I wanted to share just some everyday kind of things. I hope you enjoyed this post.

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